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September 20, 2010 / oboewan42

Tip: How To Get Nameplates In Reach

(Editor’s Note: I have not posted in forever. I AM SORRY. I had college.)

So, yeah! Halo: Reach! It’s out! Go get it! (And hit me up on Live. It’s oboewan42. Be warned: I suck.)

So, you may or may not be asking yourself, “How do I get those cool logos for beside my name in the lobbies and make it not look blank?”

The answer: do cool stuff. Then, sign in to the nameplate change page on and choose your nameplate. There are a total of 12 that you can earn (pics will come later):

Halo “O”: To get this, you need to enter your CD key from your PC or Mac version of the original Halo (the Xbox version doesn’t count, and each CD key can only be used once).

Halo 2 “O”: To get this, you need to have played the Xbox version of Halo 2 (the PC version doesn’t count) online at least once (this means that if you don’t have it right now, tough, Bungie says no exceptions).

Halo 3 “O”: To get this, you need to play Halo 3 at least once while connected to Xbox Live.

ODST logo: To get this, you need to play Halo 3: ODST at least once while connected to Xbox Live.

Assault Rifle: To get this, you need to have participated in the Halo: Reach beta. If you don’t have it right now, tough. Bungie says no exceptions.

Spartan Helmet: To get this, you need to have earned at least four of those five emblems. If you don’t have either the Halo 2 “O” or the Assault Rifle right now, tough. Bungie says no exceptions.

Halo logo: To get this, you need to unlock all three “O” logos. If you don’t have the Halo 2 “O” right now, tough. Bungie says no exceptions.

Septagon: The logo for the community (because, you know, 7 and stuff). Just like in Halo 3, all you need to do to get it is log on to

DMR: To get this, you need to subscribe to Bungie Pro. It’s 750 Microsoft points per year, but it also gives you an expanded File Share and five minutes of replay rendering per month, among other things.

Marathon 2 Pfhor Terminal icon: To get this, you need to have the Xbox Live Arcade version of Marathon 2: Durandal in your last-five-played-games list. The PC and Mac versions don’t count.

Bungie logo: To get this, you need to get a job at Bungie. No exceptions.

Star icon: Bungie has said that they do not yet know what they’ll use this for. Presumably, they’ll give it out semi-randomly as a status symbol, like they did with Recon armor in Halo 3 pre-ODST.

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